Salt~Leaf Farm

Salt~Leaf Farm

Welcome to Salt~Leaf!  We grow mostly heirlooms with a special affinity for ugly tomatoes, hot peppers, weird cucumbers, and a smattering of other off the wall greens, vegetables, and fruit.  We are a tiny urban farm in Southern Oregon.  Life is so charmed here on…

A Fond Absence?

A Fond Absence?

It’s been awhile.  We’ve been literally inundated here at home.  It’s been one thing after another, after another, ad nauseum.  I had a foot injury.  Then I had a tooth injury.  Then some major dental work.  In between all of that, the weather has toggled…

The Bee Problems Have Arrived

The Bee Problems Have Arrived

Notice anything wrong in that picture above?  No, it’s not out of focus and this isn’t a post about pruning.  Yes, the flowers ARE so beautiful!  But there’s no bees.  Not a single honey bee in the blooms.  I thought maybe they might just be…

Chicken Life

Chicken Life

Panic has discovered that a just blushing tomato is edible and has started eating just ripening tomatoes on the vine.  Does she target the small tomatoes?  Of course not.  She goes after the giant fruit.  What a jerkface.  But the forecast is showing intermittent days…

Endless Tomatoes

Endless Tomatoes

Here it is, the end of September, and the tomatoes are still rolling in.  At least now I know that three hundred tomato plants are sufficient.  I can’t even process any more tomatoes because the tomato freezer is jam packed.  So now it’s all fresh…

Garden Velociraptors

Garden Velociraptors

I’m convinced that chickens are evolved from velociraptors.  They certainly act like miniature carnivorous dinosaurs.  With feathers.  Watching them attack a snail is nothing short of horrifying.  My girlfriend Jessie took me down to the co-op as a surprise and we picked out some chicks…

The Fall Crop

The Fall Crop

It’s been my goal, since the inception of the farm, to grow year round.  To say that we’ve been hit with setbacks is a tremendous understatement.  Last year, everything that could have gone wrong did and what did survive that slow moving train wreck, was…



Welcome to my delicious world where everything tastes like roasted joy with the exact amount of salt, laughter with friends, and swigs of gorgeous wine.